Originally from a small town in Texas, Lynn Savarese lived and traveled throughout the world before making New York City her home in the early '80s following her graduation from Harvard Law School. For Savarese, the greatest joy of photography is the experience of intimate observation of elements from the natural world. As humankind's most intimate and nurturing companions in Nature, water and trees are her favorite subjects to photograph, and her art always aims to honor them and express the great wonder and profound gratitude they inspire in her. Savarese does not aim for perfect replication of what she sees with her camera. To see more of Savarese's work and full CV, please visit her website at https://www.lynnsavarese.com/

Instead, she is especially drawn to Nature's many abstract renderings, and loves seeking out their metaphoric content and layering in her own emotions through occasional manipulations of color and light. In the decade since taking up photography, Savarese has received prestigious national and international recognition of her art, including--most recently--being designated the Winner in both the Professional Series "Abstract" and "Nature" Categories in the 22th Edition of the Julia Cameron Award for Women Photographers 2024, with exhibitions of this winning work scheduled to take place in Barcelona later this year. Savarese's work has also appeared in numerous solo and group exhibitions both in the USA and abroad. A solo show entitled "Ode to Water and Trees" featuring 58 of her prints just came to an end at the Lake Placid center for the Arts after a nearly two-month run. Savarese is also proud to have her work included in numerous private collections as well as public spaces, including The Nature Conservancy's New York offices and the Auburn Theological Seminary, and she especially enjoys collaborating with designers and decorators on large custom projects.

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